Intensive 2014 – Now Accepting Applications

What if you had four days to spend in the wilderness of Colorado?

Unplugged from the matrix. Four days in a fellowship of world changing men like you. A fellowship of men who want what you want and have to fight through similar battles to get it. A circle of young men all on the front side of marriage, parenting, children, vocation. What if you could sit among giants? What if you could share conversation, questions, prayer and a campfire with a select handful of older men that have traveled the ancient yet elusive path of true masculinity before you? What if you could spend some time, real time, with them - learning, healing, being strengthened from the inside out, in a profoundly personal way?

The time has come.

A Rare Event. A Rare Opportunity. A Rare Fellowship of Men.

This is an exclusive gathering of world changing peers.

In the company of wise older men who have taken the ancient path. Men who are out in front. Men saying, "come along."

Over a decade in the making, the Intensive is designed for younger, world-changing men to have a chance to go deeper with the help and partnership of a selected group of older, seasoned, men of substance.

This Intensive is targeted for men with world changing desires who are in their late twenties, thirties, and in rare exceptions, early forties. Men who are married and who have children, or who are moving in that direction. Men who are “kings in training.” As John teaches in Fathered by God, men who are moving through the cowboy and warrior stages, moving toward their kingly roles.

It is designed for men who walk with God, have attended at least one Wild at Heart hosted Wild at Heart Boot Camp in Colorado, and walk in the ministry and message of Wild at Heart.

It is designed for men who have suffered enough to know that they don’t have all the answers. Men who would give a great deal to sit at the feet of older, wiser, men who have walked with God for decades more and have learned some wisdom along the way.

It is a four-day intensive where participants will have the rare opportunity to glean from the wisdom of seasoned and substantial older men drawn from the Wild at Heart fellowship. Together, we will pull back 50 yards from the front lines, bandage our wounds and wrestle with the deepest questions and hopes of the masculine journey. We will dive deep into our stories and the stories of other men, and we will encounter the Father like never before.

This event is prayerfully open to 43 men who fit the demographic described above.

For a sampling of the impact of this event, here are some comments from graduates of the Intensive:

"Put C.S. Lewis put it, in Christianity the myth becomes fact. The Intensive was one of the most mythical and mystical experiences become fact in my life. It wasn't just daily revelation of the Father's goodness, it was daily outpouring, rushing rapids not stopping, goodness never drying up but ever increasing. One of the things Abba said to me was, "Over and over I will be good to you my son, my king." This happened...over and over and over. Amazing. Truly amazing. No bullshit, and no posing, it was amazing."

"I've been to five Wild at Heart events in CO and led a bunch myself... I was concerned that my heart would not absorb anything from this retreat. I was wrong... Thank you for a beautiful and holy encounter with God.  The sheer number of one-liners of pure gold was amazing. This weekend was better than a google search for "wisdom," "life," "hope,"  and "freedom."

"Love. The answer is love... Yes... thank you for creating a space and offering the wisdom to walk in it and for exposing how little I actually allow love to enter my life."

"I've made a 180 degree shift in my life since The Intensive.  I am engaged, firing on all cylinders. I am dropping my pencil at 5 in my work world.  I am fully present to my wife and my children like never before. Thank you!" - Matt

"Without a doubt, I think this weekend will go down in my story as the pivotal moment in which I accepted the Father's love, redefined the trajectory of my life, and began the process that led to my becoming good soil.  Thank you all so much for making it so easy for the Father to come to me."

"I have never in my Christian life experienced such a deep environment of stunning humility and grace..."

"My grandchildren and their grandchildren will have you to thank - you have fought to bring the Kingdom of Jesus Christ - you have set the captives free. You have lived Isaiah 61... I've stepped into 'unforced rhythms of grace.' my life has radically shifted."

Click Here to find out more and apply

Feel free to pass this along to others that would be interested in the event.