When a man knows the end is near, only the important surfaces. Impending death distills the vital. The trivial is bypassed. The unnecessary is overlooked. That which is vital remains.
– Max Lucado
– Max Lucado
To become the kind of trustworthy king to whom God can entrust the care of his kingdom, it is essential to reflect on our own mortality. We live in a culture often unskilled in dealing with death, either ignoring its inevitability or determinedly distancing us from its many forms. Yet the proverbial fact remains: death is a part of life. No one, not even Jesus, gets to skip it. And the final week of Jesus invites us to take refuge at his side to face Death and its ancient ploy of terror and intimidation head on.
Come with me through this Palm Sunday video reflection as we walk with Jesus in his final days on earth, so that we might encounter afresh the Indestructible Life that defeats and transcends for all time the power and reach of death.
Come with me through this Palm Sunday video reflection as we walk with Jesus in his final days on earth, so that we might encounter afresh the Indestructible Life that defeats and transcends for all time the power and reach of death.