Resilient, with John Eldredge

Podcast Episode 145

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Salvation is a process, not an event.


Steady. Strong. ​​​Resilient. 

What would it be like for these words to describe the sons of God in this hour on earth? 

It’s hopeful. 

It’s powerful.

And, brothers, it’s available. 

John’s most recent work, Resilient, is a life raft amidst our contemporary turbulent sea.

Singularity of heart is no longer an option. It is essential for us to thrive in this moment in the Larger Story. John and I have been chasing singularity of heart for over two decades, and we have discovered one simple but powerful truth:

The soul is healed through union with God. 

It was my joy and privilege to host a call alongside John to unpack how union with God expresses itself in our ordinary, everyday lives. You don’t want to miss this. 

For the Kingdom,

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