
Make no mistake, this is for the few. 

Every man longs to be powerful. Yet how will we become the kind of men to whom power can be entrusted? How will we become the kind of men we were made to be? How can we champion the women and the other souls entrusted to our care?

Welcome to Become Good Soil, a comprehensive apprenticeship path and process of initiation for the hearts of men and the women they are called to champion. It is a gateway to the quest to recover the path and process of initiation, as men and women. Birthed as a deep discipleship community and process for men nearing two decades, we have steadily matured into a mission whose quest is to nourish and strengthen the hearts of women and men called to serve as leaders in God's global Kingdom.

We've been waiting for you. 

You’ve found yourself among a strong-hearted fellowship of brave men and women thirsty to experience the full portion of restoration on earth as it is in the Heavens in their hearts, lives, families, and spheres of influence.

Curated over decades and recovered at the feet of over 75 elders, Become Good Soil offers a unique invitation into the journey of receiving sonship, recovering the narrow road, and becoming the kind of men and women and the kind of kings and queens to whom God can gladly entrust the care of his Kingdom.

The invitation is for all, but as history teaches us, only a few choose this way of life. It has always been so. Those who do will become, by day and by decade, the kind of kings and queens whose hearts are becoming strong, whole, and saturated in the Love and Life of God, and through whom streams of living water flow to their families and the kingdoms entrusted to their care.

To the few, the brave, welcome.

We’re glad you’re here.

For the Kingdom,

Become Good Soil is a nonprofit crowdfunded ministry.

To come alongside our mission and invest with us, find out more here.

Morgan & Cherie

Morgan and Cherie are dedicated to supporting individuals, marriages, and communities in the slow and steady transformation that comes through apprenticeship to Jesus and His Kingdom.
Cherie is passionate about the intersection of Jesus’ teachings, relationships, and human development across the lifespan. She is pursuing a Clinical Mental Health Counseling degree at Denver Seminary. For nearly 30 years, she has sought to follow Jesus, seek His Kingdom, and grow in relationship with God, people, and creation. She loves spending time outdoors, reading, and being with family, friends, kids, and dogs.

Morgan spent 25 years alongside John and Stasi Eldredge, helping to build Wild at Heart’s global mission. Fourteen years ago, he founded Become Good Soil to support leaders on the narrow path of becoming people to whom God can entrust the care of His Kingdom. His ever-evolving rule of life is organized around a being an apprentice of God and His Kingdom. An ordained minister, he is currently pursuing master-level training in Spiritual Direction at Denver Seminary. Morgan is passionate about marriage, family, and walking alongside leaders who deeply hunger for God and His Kingdom. Whenever possible, he immerses himself in the grace of the wilderness and wildness.

Since meeting on their college campus in 1996, Morgan and Cherie have been drawn to the pursuit of God and the journey of becoming wholehearted humans. Their greatest joy has been raising and supporting their two children into adulthood. This season, they focus on transitioning from biological parenting to becoming mature and wholehearted spiritual mothers and fathers—serving as a stabilizing force for local and global redemptive communities.

Become Good Soil, initially seeded within Wild at Heart, is now an independent 501(c)(3) organization. Our mission is to serve leaders in God’s Kingdom in their lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus through embodied practices, communal experiences, and ongoing training.