Ready to go deeper?
We are now accepting applications for the 2016 Become Good Soil Intensive.
Click here for details on the event and to find out how to apply.
Click here
for an introduction to the message of Become Good Soil and to find out more.
Here's what one alumni said about the Intensive:
Wild at Heart Advanced Boot Camp gave me a deeper understanding of my internal and external world and began to equip me to hear and walk with God more intimately.
Wild at Heart Advanced Boot Camp is glorious and deep.
And then there is the Become Good Soil Intensive.
This is a whole different animal.
For the young man who has tasted and seen that the Lord is good and is inclined to believe that he will not be satisfied with anything less than the narrow pilgrim way, this is the wake-up call. This is where young men, created for high Kingdom purposes, can be snatched from the fast current of worldliness before being taken over the falls. All men can be rescued and healed up after the tumble, but how much better to exit the floodwaters before being dashed on the rocks? “There is a way that seems right to man, but in the end it leads to death.” (Proverbs 14:12) Many a good man has been killed simply following his good intentions. BGS Intensive is RH’s way of standing at the fork in the road where young men must choose which master they will serve. Intensive is an “in-your-face” invitation to live a life such as has been lived by very few men in world history. Morgan Snyder, with his closest kings and allies, deftly leads a journey to rediscover and celebrate the ancient path, a path Morgan and his allies personally run, walk, crawl, or bike on daily. It is an invitation such as was given to the rich young ruler: “One thing you lack. Go back and sell all that you own and come be My disciple.” The BGS Intensive’s content can be a hard pill to swallow, but the Father’s invitation is as clear and powerful as the ocean, whose waves are begging to be ridden by those with the brass to do it. It is God’s invitation to launch all on Him and trust you will end up on the shore again, alive, but not without bruises and blood.
God came for me, as a Father, as a Counselor, and as a King through the Intensive. If I apply what God revealed to me over these four holy days, there is not a field in my life that will not bear fruit, and mine will be a life that cannot be understood by the world, but also cannot be ignored. I am convinced this is possible…IF I will choose the narrow way, more clearly illuminated by the Become Good Soil Intensive than anything I have ever experienced before. –Jay