“Man doesn’t make kings. God does.”
–Robert the Bruce, Scotland, 1274-1329
What is the most important thing?
What if you had another chance?
What if there was a secret treasure waiting to be found?
What if there was an ancient path that led to life as it was meant to be?
Would you take it?
What if it wasn’t easy?
What if it wasn’t cheap?
What if it wasn’t quick?
What if there was a way to be good again?
To become what God meant when he meant you?
What if you could have your whole heart restored?
What if you could be strong again?
Courageous again?
And learn to live with a ferocity that outlives your life?
What if that’s what they remember?
The Becoming a King Launch Event is my wholehearted invitation to risk responding to a gentle and strong knock at the door of your soul. To risk turning the handle and beginning afresh, right here and right now. To recover the path that leads to life as it was meant to be.
It was my honor to speak to women and men, young and old alike. Join me as—with a little help from Napoleon Dynamite—we joyfully and hopefully begin to recover the most important thing.