177: Examen
God’s preferred method of communication is through a still, small voice.
– Dallas Willard
Dear Friends,
Who have I become, and who am I becoming?
For over two decades, I’ve relentlessly asked these questions and found myself lovingly interrogated by Jesus and His Kingdom at every turn of my journey.
Now, as I transition from one season to the next, I sense another pair of soul-searching questions rising from the depths:
Who is God, really?
Who will I allow Him to become in the decades ahead?
Parker Palmer beautifully wrote, “Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must first listen to my life telling me who I am.” God comes to us brilliantly disguised in the ordinary moments of our everyday lives.
Let us look back and see afresh the God who has prevailed. Let us look forward with confidence and hope, trusting in the God who will continue to prevail.
This episode offers a brief, real-time reflection for the soul. My hope is that it will beckon you deeper still. As you engage with this Examen, may you receive a renewed and personal invitation to explore the updated version of "A Soul’s Review," BGS Podcast Episode 151. While this exercise can be done individually, many allies have found it to be an especially transformational experience when shared as a couple or small group during a half-day or full-day retreat. Pray about it. You and your community are worth the time it takes to transition well from one season to the next.
So, as a prologue, come along. Let us slow down and dare to tune in to the still, small voice of God.
For the Kingdom,
Morgan & Cherie