151: A Soul’s Review

Dec 27, 2023

“Where are you, Adam?”

– Genesis 3:9


Something is over. Something is next. How do we choose an intentional pause in the in-between to recenter our soul in the heart of God and in his Kingdom, which is at hand?

Last year, we invited our tribe to engage in a soulful transition from one year to the next. As a result of the responses we received, we've made some updates to the guided exercise and are bringing it back to help you navigate the transition from the year behind to the year ahead. 

This is another fresh invitation to slow down and thoughtfully consider the lives we find ourselves living in light of the generous offer of sonship to a good Father. 

Together, we will look back to look forward.

You are worth your time. Set aside a day retreat or a half-day break from the routine to give yourself to this exercise. Better yet, invite your spouse—or a brother or three—to join you in this soul’s journey. Before you make a decision about what of yourself you’ll give to this, ask God. Because you’re worth it. And his invitation might surprise you. 

You can download the free guided reflection here.

For the Kingdom,
