081: Maternal Deprivation

Apr 27, 2021

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In 70-year-old men, the number one factor in shaping who they had become was the presence or lack of strong emotional bonds with a single consistent feminine caregiver.

– Robert Karen, Becoming Attached

Where have you taken your soul’s need for feminine love?

Have you ever considered your relationship with food and how that story has played out in your life over decades?

How are you receiving daily feminine nourishment from the heart of God? 

I am persuaded that our nagging experience of lack, our unsatisfied experiences in our bodies, our complex relationship with food, our addictions and commitments to feel good no matter the cost to ourselves or others, our dysfunctional relating in relationships with females, and our unshakable sense of disconnection from God are rooted at least in part to one core wound: maternal deprivation.

If, as George MacDonald suggests, our central misery is our inability to turn to God for masculine validation, then our central anguish is our incapacity to receive feminine love from the heart of God. 

But our woundedness need not have the final word. There is provision and promise in the rescuing, restoring love of the Trinity. We are invited to risk turning toward God as Mother to receive the maternal care, secure attachment, and feminine love we so desperately need. 

Trusting Jesus’ leadership and authority over our lives, let’s take a closer look at the theme of maternal deprivation and explore how we can regularly receive feminine love and maternal care from the heart of God.

Join me as we dive deep together. It’ll change everything.

For the Kingdom,


This podcast opens with a beautiful poem written and read by Rob Porter. Rob serves as a facilitator at the Become Good Soil Intensives and has been a faithful ally in this path and process of becoming for years. He is now offering what he has received to allies in New Zealand, the UK, and beyond. My deepest thanks for his contribution to this mission.