181: Initiating Sons Roundtable, Part 1
Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them.
Matthew 7:12 MSG
Few questions come my way as consistently and sincerely as questions about the desire and dilemma of initiating children—particularly sons—into wholehearted maturity. And few aspects of my own initiation have received more of my attention.
On behalf of the boys in our world—and the boy within every man (myself included)—I want to invite both men and women to join this roundtable on Initiating Sons.
Often beneath our questions about parenting lay fear, shame, or a nagging sense of lack, fueling a persistent apprehension that we are blowing it royally both in what we do and what we leave undone as parents.
But if we pause long enough—choosing curiosity over fear and consent over control—we may discover that below our fear lies one of the Gospel’s most profound invitations: the invitation to become what we did not have. And as we become, we will naturally offer and initiate from our transformation.
Our role as fathers will eventually evolve into an unbreakable bond of siblinghood with our children in the Kingdom of God—where each of us is deeply loved and securely rooted in the heart of our Common Father.
Join us for Part 1 of a conversation exploring both the pain and possibility of being initiated—and of offering initiation to our sons.
For the Kingdom,
P.S. For more on initiating boys, check out these blogs: An Arsenal, a Library, and a Tool Collection and The Gospel as Initiation.