Session 1 – Becoming Powerful
October 6th
Breakout Questions
- (page 16) Think of a childhood moment when you were entrusted with power. How did it feel? How did it go?
- (page 17) How is your kingdom? What is a specific aspect or dimension of your current kingdom where you feel lack and are in need of God’s particular intervention and care?This is where the description goes.
Taking Action
- Practice: Guard 15 minutes before and after for transition and to align with God in preparation and taking action.
- Engage with others: Ask others in your world these two Breakout Questions as a way to engage.
- Study: Becoming a King chapter one, study guide session one
- How is your kingdom? Unpack this question as deep as you can throughout the week.
Session 2 – Becoming a Son
October 13th
Breakout Questions
- (page 43) Redemptive Remembering –
Think back over the last few days or the last few decades and recall an experience of God fathering you,
even if at the time you may not have had the capacity to receive or respond as a son and daughter. - (page 47) I shared the story of spilling vitamins all over the floor in frustration. What surfaced was the pressure
and scarcity I was living under and believing about God. Think of a recent time where something went wrong.
What was your knee-jerk reaction, and what could that reaction be trying to reveal about what you have come
to believe about God as Father?
Taking Action
- Practice: Begin each day in bed with this prayer: “You are my father and I am your son. I receive a spirit of sonship. Remind me of the particular ways you fathered me yesterday.”
- Study: Becoming a King chapter two, study guide session two
- Watch: Choose one film
- The Lion King
- The Mask of Zorro
- The Boys are Back
- Engage with others:
- What’s your knee-jerk reaction when something goes wrong?
- What’s not working?
Session 3 – Becoming the Man You Were Born to Be
October 20th
Breakout Questions
- (page 65, #5) Describe your true self through something particular you enjoy ( your love language known by God).
- (page 64, #1) Describe some aspect of your false self. How and where do you hide?
Taking Action
- Practice: Chair of Validation – Stand behind a chair and envision yourself in it. You embody someone who loves you very deeply (pet, friend, spouse, mentor, etc.). How would this person describe you? How would they celebrate who you truly are?
- Excavate: Becoming a King chapters three and four, study guide session three
- Pray: Page 77 of the study guide – Romans 7 & 8 False Self / True Self meditation
- Watch: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Notice the false self and the true self and the civil war. Notice the process of becoming his true self, and observe the impact it has on relationships entrusted to his care (move against, move away, move toward).
- Engage with others:
- What do you hope people would say about you
- What do you fear they would say?
- Share:
BGS Podcast 014 / 015 Getting Naked –
Session 4 – Becoming a Generalist
October 27th
Breakout Questions
- (page 88, #2) Victory Stories – Recall a story where you chose to recover some portion of your masculine or feminine soul as a generalist. What was the outcome?
- (page 101, #1) Name a specific area you feel uncomfortable, uninitiated as a man or woman. What does it surface within you?
Taking Action
- Practice: Practice carrying a knife as a living parable for recovering the whole man. As Jesus says, “Travel light…you are the equipment” (Luke 9, MSG).
- Excavate: Becoming a King chapter five, study guide session four
- Pray: Invite God in; where do you feel uncomfortable, uninitiated, weak, incompetent, impotent?
- Watch: The Company Men (warning: includes adult content)
- Engage with others: Bestow a knife on another man.
- Share: What is your reaction when you watch this? What would you love to do in response?
Youtube: Hello Trouble – Becoming a Generalist
Session 5 – The Way of Becoming
November 3rd
Breakout Questions
- (pages 125-128) Where are you currently trying to take a shortcut? What is the core belief driving that motivation?
- (pages 148-150) A Relational Model – As you react to the proposed Relational Model Diagram, where do you feel affirmed? Where do you feel lack?
Taking Action
- Practice for seven days: Habitat – No Shortcuts. Invite God into the core belief. Habit – Choose a new one with daily intentionality (social or physical). Relational Model – How are you arranging your days?
- Excavate: Becoming a King chapters seven, eight, nine;
study guide session five - Pray: The Daybreak Prayer
- Watch: Choose one from
- Engage with others: Ask friends how they apply this to their current lives: “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” –Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Share:
- BGS Podcast 044 – Becoming Like-Hearted (Intensive Series 5 of 8)
- Cultivating a Habitat for the Soul – Cherie and Morgan Snyder – Video from Homecoming event
Session 6 – Becoming a King
November 10th
Breakout Questions
- (page 190) Think of a time when you had a strong intention toward a direction or a decision, but God was leading you in a different direction. How did it go, and what did you learn about the quality of your union with God?
- (page 181) Describe the woman or man you would love to become a decade for now.
Taking Action
- Next Steps: Who will you offer this to? How will you offer it?
- Excavate: Becoming a King chapter ten, study guide session six
- Pray: Become Good Soil Prayer
- Practice: Do something every day in the direction of your becoming.
- What will you do each day for a week?
- What will you do each week for a year?
- What will you do each year for a decade?
- Share: Becoming a King Launch Event