Unpacking the Daybreak Prayer, with Cherie Snyder (Part 2)

Podcast Episode 164

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Prayer is never the first word; it is always the second word. God has the first word.
– Eugene Peterson


As we continue to explore the Daybreak Prayer, let us immerse ourselves in these God-initiated and God-sustained realities:

Father, thank you that our story begins with you, and we will return to the restoration of all things. 

We choose to trust that you love us with the same love you have for Jesus. 

Therefore we will not give way to fear.  

We agree with who you are. We agree with what you are doing. We agree with how you are doing it. 

We ask for a revelation of your affection today. 

We ask that you would make the impossible possible.


I invite you to reread these phrases again, but slower. 

Linger with each line. Notice the impact on your soul. 

Friends, I want to suggest that the truths of our Father’s heart and his Kingdom highlighted in the Daybreak Prayer beckon us ever homeward, reconnecting us to ground on which it is wholly safe to rest and live and move and have our being: We are in God’s life, and therefore we are fully and forever okay.

We have enough. 

We are enough. 

We are loved. 

It’s from this secure ground that Cherie and I invite you to come along into Part 2 of this series as we seek again to participate in God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. 

For the Kingdom,

P.S. If you want more, consider these resources to take a deeper dive into the Daybreak Prayer:

Daybreak Prayer PDF

Daybreak Prayer audio (male voice)

Daybreak Prayer audio (female voice)

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