154: The Metanarrative of Feminine Love, with Cherie Snyder (Part 1)

Feb 13, 2024

God loves you more tenderly and more irrevocably than the best of mothers.

– Stasi Eldredge


What does the integration of wholehearted masculine love with wholehearted feminine love feel like?

For most men, considering the impact and role of feminine love—or its absence—elicits a wide range of emotions. 

Simply put, we can easily lose heart in our ambivalence, unmet longing, or pain around it. 

What if underneath the pain, confusion, and even mistrust is one of the great secrets to “Heaven on Earth” finding its way within our souls? What if the integration of the feminine and the masculine is a part of the redemption of creation and the path toward human flourishing?

Join Cherie and me for part one of a three-part series exploring the possibility and hope of the Living God pursuing us in and through restored femininity. Let's dive in. 

For the Kingdom,
