064: Cultivating a Habitat for the Soul
Aug 18, 2020
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“There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is the sky; there is one spectacle grander than the sky, that is the interior of the soul.”
–Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
You find yourself in a world gone mad.
You have a soul—or, more accurately, you are a soul—made by God, made for God, and made to need God.
You've noticed by now that these two things, the world system and your soul, are constantly at war. But if the aim of the Gospel is the restoration of all creation, including your human soul, how do you avoid the tragedy that Jesus named as gaining the world and losing your soul (Mark 8:36)?
What is the way back? How do we reestablish what has been lost, how do we replant what has been uprooted? Here’s what is giving me hope again today: the quest doesn't begin with us; it begins with God. Our job is to respond.
There are practices in our power to do that accomplish in us what we never could on our own—small, consistent, but heroic acts that integrate our fractured souls and reconnect us supernaturally with our God. Join Cherie and me for a very practical discussion on being found by God through the formation of small and accessible practices. May this conversation—originally offered at our Homecoming event last fall—encourage you as you seek to arrange your days for union with God.
Remember this: there is always a way forward, no matter how far into the weeds or off-track we might find ourselves today. The good news is this: our Father is more at work than we are. He is seeking us even now, finding us right where we are, and moving us forward in his story of healing us, restoring our sanity, cultivating our flourishing, and moving us into deeper union with him.
For the Kingdom,