178: The Sex Talk You Never Got, with Sam Jolman (Part 1)
Jan 15, 2025
The Gospel is an invitation to be curious, rather than ashamed, about our sin.
– Sam Jolman
Decades ago, a wise man made an observation about the masculine journey that has stayed with me:
“Finances are not about finances, and sex is not about sex.”
It’s been over 10 years since I received this disruptive counsel, and my own and the experience of men I walk with have verified its truth again and again.
Yet when it comes to the power and significance of sex and the path and process of liberating the lover of the masculine soul, I have more questions and curiosity than ever.
Simultaneously, I am more hopeful than ever about the possibility of reclaiming masculine sexuality.
Sam Jolman is one of the reasons why.
He has faithfully, beautifully, and powerfully engaged the hearts of men and women for over 20 years as a Christ-centered therapist. He has consented to his own path and process of initiation. He has died thousands of deaths. And he has been raised by the indestructible life of Christ a thousand more.
He is emerging as a Lover-King, and he is offering his strength to the next generation.
Sam wrote a brilliant book on reclaiming the heart of masculine sexuality. It’s called The Sex Talk You Never Got, and I will recommend it and give copies as gifts to the men I love (and their wives) for decades to come. I’m encouraging everyone I know to grab a copy and immerse themselves in this treasure chest of wisdom, guidance, and hope.
Come along into Part 1 as together we reclaim the lover inside us all.
For the Kingdom,