175: Live to Rescue, with Greg Lindsey

Dec 4, 2024

I had always felt life first as a story—and if there is a story there is a storyteller.

– G. K. Chesterton


The human soul craves meaning, just as the body needs food and water.

On our journey of masculine initiation, our souls long for the stories of others to illuminate our own. Stories are the language of the heart. They nourish us, bring meaning to our lives, and, most importantly, disrupt and inspire us to take heart once more, drawing us back to the ultimate Storyteller.

Our stories begin with God, are sustained by God, and are guided by him toward a flourishing finish. Through his grace, we discover an extraordinary truth: we are not called to avoid failure but to entrust it to God’s redemptive and undefeated story of love.

Greg Lindsey embodies this courage. As a husband, father, grandfather, and shepherd to his church community, he invites others into a deeper connection with God and their own stories.

Join me as we explore the universal and personal landscape of one man’s redemption story. You won’t want to miss it.

For the Kingdom,


P.S. For those interested in Greg’s work, he recently wrote The Rest of Your Story, a book for men and women to consider the depth and possibility of a life in God’s Kingdom.