111: Men Without Chests – 2019 BGS Intensive, Part 5
Jun 21, 2022
You are a soul made by God, made for God, and made to need God, made to run on God. Which means that you are not made to be self-sufficient.
– Dallas Willard
Change in the rate of change is the quiet killer of our generation. Change is the constant.
Habits were meant to root our masculine soul in the life of God. They were meant to be an onramp of constancy in a changing world. Our masculine soul matters immensely to God, to those entrusted to our care, and to our particular role in the story God is writing.
In this postmodern age of hyper-individualism and endless noise, wholehearted living is no longer a choice—we must cultivate daily habits that root us in the life and presence of God. Slowly and steadily, by day and by decade, we get to arrange our days so that we experience deep joy, contentment, and union with God.
How are you arranging your days?
What are you practicing?
What are your habits?
What is the condition of your soul?
Friends, join me and the like-hearted tribe of men across the globe for Part 5 of the 2019 BGS Intensive series. In this episode, I invite my friend John Eldredge into a beautiful conversation on exercising the masculine soul in life-giving habits.
For the Kingdom,