The one who knows us best is the one who loves us most.
Our stories do not define us; the Author of them does.
There is perhaps no promise greater than the bottom-line reality that God's love gets the last word. And all will be made new in the light of this love.
Your heart's healing is not about you, nor is it primarily for you. It’s primarily for others.
We will have life and have it to the full only if and when we are willing to die.
I’m sorry. I was wrong. Will you forgive me? These three phrases can transform every relationship.
Wholehearted living is no longer a choice—we must cultivate daily habits that root us in the life and presence of God.
Where do you feel uncomfortable? When do you feel weak? In what ways do you feel uninitiated? Where is God asking you to risk?
What has been your experience of being loved without condition by someone who had robust well-being to share?
We uncover what needs to die in us in order that we might really live, becoming men who have nothing to hide, nothing to fear, and nothing to prove.
Receive strengthening and care for the masculine soul. This is for the few.