
  1. 077: Initiation, with Nick Carlile

    Masculine initiation has as much to do with unlearning as it does with learning. As much to do with powerlessness as it does with power.

  2. 076: Lent & Liturgy

    Liturgy was intended to be a grace and essential stream to draw near to God and access the full breadth and depth of his Kingdom.

  3. 075: Vision, Intention, and Means

    What is the path of inner transformation and becoming like Christ? Is such transformation even possible? Dallas Willard assures us it is readily available. 

  4. 074: Experiential Therapy with Bill Lokey

    Experiential therapy has been a profound conduit of the River of Life for me and for many; it is one of the great modalities of therapy and healing to consider in our toolbox for the restoration of the masculine soul. 

  5. 073: Gary Unruh – Counselor and Restorer of Families (Part 2 of 2)

    We turn to part two of a conversation Cherie and I hosted with our mentor, counselor, and dear friend, Gary Unruh.

  6. 072: Zechariah

    May the action of our Coming King in you and through you refresh your heart and enliven your hope as you prepare and anticipate his Coming Again.

  7. 071: Gary Unruh – Counselor and Restorer of Families (Part 1 of 2)

    After being Gary's counseling clients for years, Cherie and I had a chance to host him on the Become Good Soil podcast.

  8. 070: The Body Keeps the Score, with Cherie Snyder

    It’s my joy to lean into the years of trauma-informed story work that my wife, Cherie, has explored for two decades. May this conversation be one more step for all of us toward the wholeness that Jesus offers in the marvel and promise of our embodied life.

  9. 069: The Inquisitive Christ – Part 2 of 2

    It’s my joy to invite you into part two of the Become Good Soil podcast series on The Inquisitive Christ with our winsome, American-born, Irish-bred lady of the questions, Cara Murphy.

  10. 068: The Inquisitive Christ – Part 1 of 2

    Cara Murphy is a woman of questions. It’s my joy to explore her book, The Inquisitive Christ, together and recover some of the central questions that are needed in this hour on the earth.

This list is updated regularly. Check back soon for more.